The Pilgrim Woman, Part 2

This short film in the digital My Mayflower film series returns to the fascinating story of Rachel Carter and the creation of the Pilgrim Woman.

A talented textile artist from the Pilgrim Roots region, Rachel can trace her ancestors back to the very places in England from where many of the Pilgrims came before they planned their voyage on the Mayflower some four centuries ago.

She ‘recreated’ that very journey aboard a modern cargo vessel to work with local people in Provincetown, meeting a member of the Wampanoag tribe as she learned of their ancient weaving techniques, finding vital inspiration to create - and eventually become - the ’Pilgrim Woman’.

This breath-taking sculpture was cast from a digital template of a dress made by volunteers at Gainsborough Old Hall for Rachel's 'Spirit of Mayflower 50 Women' project, which engaged with women living in the Pilgrim Roots region today.

Representing the female voice of this incredible multi-layered story, the 'Pilgrim Woman' was created using highly-advanced technology.

One sculpture now stands by the water's edge in Gainsborough atop a plinth carved by Graeme Mitcheson which reads, 'Steering our future, informed by the past’, the other, much bigger, version will go on display in Doncaster in the New Year.

She holds in her hand an apple, symbolising growth and a new beginning - something for which those who boarded the Mayflower in 1620 were striving.

Find out more about Rachel's work here.


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